Tuesday 23 September 2014

Self Development Paves the Path to Becoming a Good Leader: Jonathan Tichich

Jonathan Tichich, who is originally from Minneapolis and now works in Minnesota with Sunbelt Midwest as a Senior Business Development Executive, gives full credit to his self development strategy, which helped him in becoming a good leader. He says that passion and courage to succeed are not enough to become a great leader. One needs to discipline and develop oneself to achieve good leadership qualities.

Here, John James Tichich shares few self development tips, which he vouches by:


A person should always have an intention which drives him to do better and to work harder to achieve his goals. He should have an inner urge to change things and make a difference.


John Tichich says that focus is very important for a good leader. So a person who intends to be a good leader should learn to focus on the work at hand and not think too much about the future. This would help him to avoid any fears and also give him mental strength.

Do you want to know what the qualities of a good leader are? Read, Importance of true goal by Jonathan Tichich

1 comment:

  1. Yes If we have the proper intention and focus on work we can do any task very easily. I really appreciate Jonathan for sharing these tips. Thank you. Keep sharing..
