Monday 29 September 2014

Jonathan Tichich Brings Out Optimism in You

Harry Truman rightly says that the pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. In Chinese language, challenges and opportunity is represented by the same symbol. Jonathan Tichich from Sunbelt Midwest (The Largest Business Sales Firm in the World) helps you to make opportunities out of your difficulties in work:

Every Lock has a Key:

Follow this golden rule blindly and just get ready to break the back of the beast. Don’t ever give up! Just forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe the only reason why it will, advocates Jonathan Tichich. Remember your attitude is what determines your altitude.

Put Your Best Foot Forward:

Each and every endeavor of yours deserves your hundred percent no matter how tough the situation may be. This will bring about a psychological contentment in your work and help you see the silver lining. A half-hearted effort will not only bog you down in pessimism but technically will bring down your success rates according to John James Tichich.

Choose Your Company:

Be wary of the company you keep for they are the reflection of whom you are, or who you want to be- Kenneth G. Ortiz. “A company of positive minded and optimistic people will make you attitude affirmative and hopeful,” says Jonathan Tichich.

Seek out Mentors:

Follow people who idealize optimism in life. Read the success stories of idols that made it from rags to riches. This will sow seeds of inspiration in your mind and energize you to keep moving.

Dial Back Pessimism:

Teething troubles at work do set alarm bells ringing and pile up stress. What you have to do is to take a deep breath and calm down. Get back to square one and recollect the golden rule given by Jonathan Tichich and give it a second try. Don’t let pessimism dominate your mind.

“Follow these simple rules and bid good bye to pessimism and failures,” exclaims Jonathan James Tichich a proficient business personality from Sunbelt Midwest.

To discern work-life balance in your life read- Jonathan Tichich Helps to bust the Stress at Work

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Self Development Paves the Path to Becoming a Good Leader: Jonathan Tichich

Jonathan Tichich, who is originally from Minneapolis and now works in Minnesota with Sunbelt Midwest as a Senior Business Development Executive, gives full credit to his self development strategy, which helped him in becoming a good leader. He says that passion and courage to succeed are not enough to become a great leader. One needs to discipline and develop oneself to achieve good leadership qualities.

Here, John James Tichich shares few self development tips, which he vouches by:


A person should always have an intention which drives him to do better and to work harder to achieve his goals. He should have an inner urge to change things and make a difference.


John Tichich says that focus is very important for a good leader. So a person who intends to be a good leader should learn to focus on the work at hand and not think too much about the future. This would help him to avoid any fears and also give him mental strength.

Do you want to know what the qualities of a good leader are? Read, Importance of true goal by Jonathan Tichich